from the Monthly Flyer from May 2011
was once a time in Israel when there was no rain for a duration
of three years. Rivers hardly had any water, there was not
enough to water the fields and gardens. Every day was difficult,
it was a real problem. Yes, the people prayed, nevertheless,
there was no blessing and no answer to their prayers.
They did not know the reason why there was no answer, for
they trusted in their priests of Baal. They were the ones
who kept them from the truth with their hypocrisy and lovely
words. The people prayed one time to God, and another time
to the idols of Baal, depending on their mood. They wavered
to and fro. God saw how they were - lukewarm, indecisive,
boring, confused, and spiritually dead. After three years,
God sent them a man who would explain to them what their problem
was. How would they respond?
1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and
said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be
God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him. And the people
answered him not a word.
• We, each one of us, are standing here like Elijah
before the world. We ourselves need to build up the altar
of God in our lives, we must put the wood upon it, bring the
sacrifice and divide it up, then water it with tears.
• Then the altars of the priests of Baal have already
been standing for too long in our country. For too long, they
have been calling and playing their role of religion and no
blessing has come upon the people.
Thereafter, we can call upon God like Elijah. Then the people
do not know the ways of God, the priests of Baal cannot help
them. Only then will the fire fall. As a result, the people
will know who God is, and they will forsake their useless
tradition and throw their idols away. Let us be like Elijah.
For now is the time of salvation and God will bless.
Only then, when the fire fell and miracles took place, did
the people believe. They forsook their idols and worshipped
the One and only God. Then the rain came in abundance and
the plague was over. - Therefore, have faith in Jesus Christ
and show Him your deeds. rw