Biblical and Historical Proof
From the "dark ages" of Christendom, brought about by the theories
and ideas of men, utter confusion has been left in the minds of people concerning
the truth about one God. Without the knowledge of the truth, which only comes
to an honest heart by divine revelation, many have misunderstood the manifestations
of God, and have tried to form three Persons, or Deities. Do not be confused
by false, powerless, man-made doctrines. Learn the truth about this important
"Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is ONE LORD" (Deut. 6:4). This commandment
given to Israel is confirmed in the New Testament (Mark 12:29), and must be
obeyed by all Christians today. "Thou believest that there is one God;
thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble" (James 2:19).
"God is a Spirit..." (John 4:24). "No man hath seen God at any
time..." (John 1:18). God, the invisible Spirit, has only revealed Himself
to man by manifestations. Although there are many manifestations of God, the
Scriptures teach that there are basically three offices or positions in which
God has manifested Himself. God was manifested as the Father in creation, the
Son in incarnation, and the Holy Ghost in emanation.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen. 1:1).
No one else but God performed the miracle of creation. And God said, "Let
us make man in our image..." (Gen. 1:26). To use the word "us"
and try to form other Gods in the creation, clashes not only with the Scriptures,
but with common sense. The word God means Supreme Being, the eternal and infinite
Spirit, Creator and Sovereign of the universe. There cannot be more than one
Supreme Being. By no means was God talking or counseling with other Gods. He
was counseling with His own will (Eph. 1:11). In the creation of man, God, the
eternal Spirit, foresaw the image or the Son In which He would some day reveal
Himself to man. The Son did not exist at the creation in bodily form, but only
in the mind of God. "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent
forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law" (Gal. 4:4). The Son,
who is the image of God, was made thousands of years after the creation. Also
God spoke of things which be not as though they were (Rom. 4:17). "So God
created man in HIS OWN IMAGE" (Gen. 1:27). "Nevertheless death reigned
from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude
of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of Him that was to come" (Rom.
5:14). God, referring to the Sonship, made Adam in the figure of Him that was
to come.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God" (John 1:1). The Word cannot be separated from God. The term "Word"
is derived from the Greek term "logos" which means "thought or
plan". God's thoughts are with Him, but they cannot be separated from Him.
"The Word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD." "All things were
made by Him (Word); and without Him (Word) was not anything made that was made"
(John 1:3). "...The worlds were framed by the Word of God..." (Heb.
11:3). So by His Word, God created all things.
"Thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God Himself that formed
the earth and made it... I am the LORD; and there is NONE ELSE" (Isa. 45:18).
"...I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens
ALONE; that spreadeth abroad the earth BY MYSELF" (Isa. 44:24). "...Is
there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any" (Isa. 44:8).
"See now that I, even I, am He, and there is NO GOD WITH ME..." (Deut.
32:39). "Have we not all ONE Father? Hath not ONE God created us? ..."
(Mal. 2:10).
The incarnation is the union of Divinity with humanity in Christ. It is the
state of being clothed with flesh (Webster).
The purpose of the incarnation is to provide a blood sacrifice without sin for
the redemption of man. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins
(Heb. 9:22). So by His Word (plan), God, the invisible Spirit, made Himself
a body born of the virgin Mary, and dwelt among us. He became God incarnate
in man. "And the Word (which was God) was made flesh, and dwelt among us..."
(John 1:14). This body was the only begotten Son, or image, of God. Paul said
that the Son is the image (body) of the invisible God (Col. 1:13-15).
The Sonship was planned from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8) and prophesied
as early as Gen 3:15. Hundreds of years later Isaiah prophesied, "...Behold
a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel...which
being interpreted is, GOD WITH US" (Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23). "For unto
us a child is born, unto us a son is given...and His name shall be called Wonderful,
Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting FATHER, The Prince of Peace"
(Isa. 9:6). To Joseph the angel said, "...thou shalt call His name JESUS:
for He shall save His people from their sins...and he called His name JESUS"
(Mat. 1:21-25). Fosset's Bible Encyclopedia declares that Jesus means JHVH-Salvation,
or JHVH is become Saviour.
The name Jesus was not revealed until God made Himself a body. Until then He
was called JHVH. For example:
JHVH-Jireh - The Lord provides (Gen. 22:14). JHVH-Rapha - The Lord that healeth (Exod. 15:26). JHVH-Nissi - The Lord is our banner (Exod. 17:15). JHVH-Shalom - The Lord our peace (Judges 6:24). JHVH-Ra-ah - The Lord is my shepherd (Psa. 23). JHVH-Tsidkenu - The Lord our righteousness (Jer. 23:6). JHVH-Shammah - The Lord is present (Ezek. 48:35). |
When God made Himself a body to redeem man
from sin, He then was called JESUS - JHVH-Salvation. Jesus is the saving name
of God. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other
name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
Zechariah prophesied, "...In that day (day of salvation) shall there be
ONE LORD, and HIS NAME ONE" (Zec. 14:9). "Wherefore God also hath
highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: that at
the name of Jesus every knee shall bow...and that every tongue shall confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord..." (Phil. 2:9-11).
The angel announced, "For unto you is born...a Saviour, which is CHRIST
THE LORD" (Luke 2:11). Throughout the Old Testament God is also called
the Lord. Compare the following:
The Lord God is the Creator (Isa. 42:5). The Lord Jesus is the Creator (John 1:3, 10). The Lord God said, "I am He" (Isa. 43:10). The Lord Jesus said, "I am He" (John 8:24). The Lord God is the only Saviour (Isa. 43:10,11). The Lord Jesus is the Saviour (Titus 1:4). The Lord God shall reign forever (Psa. 146:10). The Lord Jesus shall reign forever (Luke 1:33). The Lord God is the King of Israel (Isa. 43:15). The Lord Jesus is the King of Israel (Matt. 27:37). The Lord God is the First and the Last (Isa. 44:6). The Lord Jesus is the First and the Last (Rev. 1:8). The Lord God is Almighty (Gen. 17:1). The Lord Jesus is Almighty (Rev. 1:8). |
There is only one Lord (Eph. 4:5). When Paul
was struck down on the road to Damascus, he cried, "Who art thou, Lord?"
And the Lord said, "I AM JESUS" (Acts 9:5). When Thomas acknowledged
who Jesus was, he said, "MY LORD and MY GOD" (John 20:28). Beyond
a shadow of a doubt the Lord God JHVH of the Old Testament is the Lord Jesus
Christ of the New Testament!
Jesus confirmed that He was not a separate Person, but God manifested in the
flesh. Jesus said unto Philip, "...He that hath seen me hath seen the Father...The
words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself; but the Father that DWELLETH
IN ME, He doeth the works...Believe me that I am in the Father, and the FATHER
IN ME..." (John 14:9-11). Jesus simply stated, "I and My Father are
ONE (not two)" (John 10:30).
Jesus emphasized the importance of His identity as He taught the people in the
temple. He said, "...For if ye believe not that I AM HE, ye shall die in
your sins...They understood not that He spake to them of the FATHER" (John
When Jesus was baptized by John in Jordan River, the voice of God spoke, "This
is my beloved Son, IN WHOM I am well pleased" (Matt. 3:17). Notice, God
said, "IN WHOM" - -not with whom! "To wit, that GOD WAS IN CHRIST,
reconciling the world unto Himself..." (2 Cor. 5:19).
As Stephen was facing death, he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God
(Acts 7:55). The term "right hand" does not form a part of another
Person or Deity. It is symbolic of the power and authority of God. Jesus said,
"All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" (Matt. 28:18).
Paul said that Christ is the power and the wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24). Note
the following symbolical uses of the term "right hand" as correlated
to power and authority:
"My right hand hath spanned the heavens"
(Isa. 48:13). God led Israel by the right hand of Moses (Isa. 63:12). "The right hand of the Lord is exalted" (Psa. 118:16). "Thy right hand shall save me" (Psa. 138:7). "Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the POWER OF GOD" (Luke 22:69). (Also Mark 14:62.) |
The question may be asked, "Is Jesus in the Godhead, or is the Godhead
in Jesus?" If the Godhead is in Jesus, there can only be one person. The
Bible clearly states, "For IN HIM (Christ) DWELLETH all the FULLNESS OF
AND POWER" (Co. 2:9, 10). So there is only ONE PERSON in which the Godhead
is manifested, because the GODHEAD IS IN JESUS!
In Jesus Christ, two wills or natures are portrayed: a human will and a Divine
will. He was man (flesh) and He was God (Spirit). As man He prayed in the garden
of Gethsemane, "O my Father...not as I WILL, but as THOU WILT" (Matt.
26:39). Also He cried out on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46). Certainly these Scriptures do not imply that
Jesus Christ is a separate Person or Deity with the Father. For Deity does not
pray to Deity! Furthermore, deity cannot die! So as man, Jesus Christ prayed
in His human nature to His Divine nature. Because, in His human nature, the
flesh did not want to die, but He knew the will of the Spirit must be done.
Also at Calvary He cried out in His human nature to His Divine nature; and when
the Spirit left the body, He fulfilled His human role of death. As man, He was
hungry, He slept, He became weary, He wept, He increased in wisdom and stature,
He prayed, and He died. (See Matt. 4:2, Matt. 8:24, John 4:6, John 11:35, Luke
2:52, Matt. 26:39, Matt. 27:50.) As God, He healed the sick, He cast out devils,
He raised the dead, He calmed the sea. He forgave sins, He answered prayer,
and He arose from the grave. (See Matt. 4:23, Luke 8:35, John 11:43, 44, Mark
4:39, Mark 2:5, John 14:14, John 2:19-21.) Jesus Christ said, "I can of
mine own self (human nature) do nothing... (John 5:30) ...but the FATHER that
DWELLETH IN ME (Divine nature), HE doeth the works (John 14:10)." As man,
He even expressed His limited knowledge (Mark 13:32); but as God, He knew all
things (John 21:17). Compare the following titles which also portray the dual
nature of Jesus Christ:
Everlasting Father (Isa. 9:6) | Son of Man (Luke 9:22) | |
Chief Shepherd (1 Pet. 5:4) | Lamb (1 Pet. 1:19) | |
King of Kings (Rev. 17:14) | Servant (Phil. 2:7) | |
Lord God (John 20:28) | High Priest (Heb. 2:17) | |
The Almighty (Rev. 1:8) |
Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5) |
His holiness (not their holiness - Psa. 47:8) His love (not their love - Rom. 5:8) My glory (not our glory - Isa. 42:8) The only wise God (not the wise three - 1 Tim. 1:17) His eternal power (not their eternal power - Rom. 1:20) |
Pfingstgemeinde Mannheim (UPC) Max-Josefstr. 12 68167 Mannheim Germany |
Service: Sunday 2.30 pm Biblestudy: Tuesday 7.30 pm |