Sri Lanka

What's in a name?/ Was ist in einem Namen?
(PDF, 2 pages, Sinhalese, 112.16)

The joy of Jesus/ Die Freude Jesu
(PDF, 2 pages, Sinhalese, 106,80)

The Wonderful Book/ Das wunderbare Buch
(PDF, 2 pages, Sinhalese, 68.77)

The Way of Life/ Der Weg des Lebens
(PDF, 2 pages, Sinhalese, 86,96)

Be a free man / Sei ein freier Mensch
(PDF, 2 pages, Sinhalese, 79.12)

60 questions on the GODHEAD with Bible Answers / 60 Fragen über die Gottheit mit biblischen Antworten
(PDF, 2 pages, Sinhalese, 118 KB)

Online - Bibles / Online Bibeln

16 Different English Bible Translations (with Search)

Bible in Hebrew/Greek & English with Strong's

6 English Bible Dictionaries (with Word & Phrase Search)

6 English Bible Dictionaries (Alphabetical order)

e-Sword Bibles in many languages and great Biblestudy tools *Free download*

Apostostic tract, Christian Information, Apostolic tract in Tamil language, Apostolic truth, Christian tract, Apostolic tracts in various languages, Apostolic tracts from the United Pentecostal Church in Mannheim, Germany in many languages, Gospel of Jesus Christ for Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India in Tamil language