United Pentecostal Church Mannheim

Special Report
Groups joining us and other interesting information.
Central America/Caribbean Region (other regions will follow)

1. In Nicaragua Brother Steve N. reports on July 16, 2003: “In the R.A.A.N. area of Puerto Cabezas, a Trinitarian pastor was baptized in Jesus’ Name and is now pastoring one of our new churches there. This area has been a tremendous challenge, but we are starting to see results!”

2. Mexico Regional director T. W. D. reports that in Jalapa Luis V. baptized a pastor and his congregation in Jesus’ Name. On May 22, Regional Director D. reports that missionary Mark D. baptized a Trinitarian pastor and his congregation in Tijuana. Feb 19, 2003, RD T.W. D. reports that Pastor Ofarril G. L., pastor from Santo Domingo, Chiapas, Mexico during the month of Januar baptized 25 people (a whole church) in Jesus Name from a neighboring town.

3. Brother Wayne M. reports in his newsletter of Summer 2002 that Brother King D., a former Trinitarian minister from Chiriqui, a new area, has experienced revival with 60 new souls baptized in Jesus Name. Three young men from his church are receiving training for the ministry.

4. Just received a letter from Cuba informing us about a Trinitarian pastor that has seen the truth of Jesus’ name. He will be influential in helping many congregations see the truth in Cuba. I was there on a communal farm and saw God’s power fall.

5. Steve S. traveled to the town of La Romana. We first heard of this in the beginning of the year, however in a letter that I read just two weeks ago (first week of April 2003) he states that now 19 trinitarian ministers have been baptized in the name of Jesus along with over 100 saints. One of the men baptized is an evangelist who has himself baptized some ministers in Jesus Name.

6. Guatemala – Brother Dan B. in a visit to Guatemala in November 13 - He reports: “Concerning our recent trip to Rio Bravo….God moved marvelously and during the morning teaching time of November 13, conviction gripped the pastors who gathered, and we took them to the baptistery and all attend the conference, 9 pastors in all, were baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins.” He reported that he baptized the leader, Brother Freddy and Brother Freddy in turn baptized the rest.
(Mission Report from Monte S.)
see web page: http://www.upci.net/missionaries/showalter and
Global Campus ministries: http://upci.org/fm/campus_ministry

United Pentecostal Church Mannheim