United Pentecostal Church Mannheim
Short Messages
Message from the Monthly Flyer from August 2010

Spiritual gifts for a strong church
The gift to put into action - Power, Faith, Healings, Miracles

These three gifts of the Holy Spirit demonstrate the power of God. They are the visible evidence of His presence and reality.

The gift of faith:
A measure of faith has been given to each one of us, as according to the Scriptures; otherwise, we would not live for God; for where there is no faith, there is spiritual death. The gift of faith is an excess of faith. When there are situations in our life such as danger, severe illness, a need or something else, whereby supernatural faith is necessary, the Lord has already provided us with the gift of faith.

When this gift of faith is in operation, it declares: "God will do it now!" or "God will work everything out! It will be just the way that it has been said!" It is the supernatural power of God in action. It is claimed that prayer brings us before the doors of God, but it is faith which opens these doors for us. Faith is the key.

Without faith a person will receive absolutely nothing from God. The gift of faith is a measure of faith which goes far beyond that which we daily need to be faithful to God. In situations which prove to be difficult for us, God can step in with the gift of faith and say, "I will do it! I will help!" And, as a result, it will also exactly happen that way.

The individual who has received this gift will speak and act in resolute faith in that very moment, as according to God's will - God is the One who confirms this word. There are no limits for what God is able to do; we must realize and also believe that - only then will we be able to draw God's attention to us. Nobody that has put their trust in GOD and His Word has ever been disappointed by HIM.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever!

The gift of healing:
Whenever this gift of healing is in operation, and the sick are being prayed for, Jesus Christ will take away the individual's illness and healing will be the result. It does not matter to God what type of an illness it is; neither is it relevant to Him whether it is at an early or late stage of procedure. God is above things, whether the illness is of a physical, mental, or psychological nature. Human medicine is constantly confronted with boundaries. With the gift of healing, a person is able to be healed and will be completely healed. In this particular type of case, healing will begin to take place immediately--namely, without any medical intervention being necessary. When Jesus Christ was on this earth in the form of a man and went about healing the sick, all sickness had to be obedient to his word. He prophesied in Mark 16:18 "...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover!"

In the epistle of James 5:16, it is written that anyone who is sick should call the elders of the church and be annointed by them with oil in the name of the Lord (Jesus Christ), and the prayer of faith will help the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him or her up. These gifts, just like all the others, are also in operation within the church for His glory and praise. For HE alone is the one who brings about healing! We, on our part, are merely acting in obedience.

The gift to work miracles:
Iin the book of Acts 3:1-8, we discover a lame man to whom it was said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk!" Immediately this man jumped up, ran in the temple and thanked God for healing! Don't forget: When we have done all that we can, yet something more still needs to be done, then God will step in and do something. In the Scriptures we read and we also hear in reports from our brothers and sisters in the whole world that the dead have come back to life, that signs and wonders are taking place, and that God is stepping in for His people and helping them. The working of miracles by the Spirit of God is necessary today like never before, in order to shut the mouths of the mockers and ungodly yet again. The gifts of the spirit are the gifts of God which Jesus Christ has given to his bride, the Church, with which she can adorn herself. The promises of God are Yea and Amen for His church, even today in this century! Only through fervent and continual dedication to God will these gifts be revealed. rw

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