Pentecostal Church Mannheim Short Messages |
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Has it ever happened to you that after you had closed the front
door, you cried out, “Oh, I forgot my keys”? If it’s the case
that you didn’t already leave a front door key at someone’s house
who you know or with a relative, then it’s necessary to call the key service;
for they can break the lock of almost every door, using legal methods, I’m
talking, of course, about the door of your house. Or you happen to go to your
garage and then you ask yourself, Where are my car keys? Usually, this isn’t
such a great problem, you just go back into the house and fetch the car keys.
“Don’t forget your keys” is a cry which is important in the
natural world. How much more so in the spiritual world, for there’s a
door which you have to go through.
It’s the door to heaven. Yes, there really is one, and behind it is the
kingdom of God. However, this door will remain shut to you for so long, up until
the time that you use the keys; for this has to do with a spiritual kingdom,
the kingdom of God, and only these keys will open this door for you. Behind
this door, eternal life is awaiting you!
Not everyone who says that he has the keys really does have them! It may be
the case that he has keys, for even hell has many doors and every key of this
world and their religions fit exactly into it; however, they don’t fit
in the keyhole which will bring you into the kingdom of God, giving you eternal
life which Jesus Christ has promised.
There is only single key which can bring you into the kingdom of God and Jesus
Christ is offering it to you. Jesus already warned his disciples at that time
that they shouldn’t trust every person and his message, even when he comes
in the name of religion. Therefore, it’s wise to check which keys you
have in your “pocket”, i.e. what you believe in. If these keys don’t
open the door to your salvation, then they’re the wrong ones!
You’re probably asking yourself, “How can I know whether I’ve
got the right keys, the right faith? The only thing which we can really trust
in this very important matter is the WORD of God, Jesus Christ. That what HE
says is what counts!
Let us look together in the Bible.
In the gospel of John, chapter three, verses 3-6 show us this door which you
have to go through in order to enter into the kingdom of God! Water and Spirit
– that is the door.
If you compare these Scripture verses with the book of Acts, chapter 2, verse
38, then you see the keys. Water here means the water baptism in JESUS’
name; beforehand, an individual needs to be ready to be converted and to follow
Jesus. The water baptism serves the purpose of the remission of sins, this is
what Peter says, and he received the keys of the kingdom from Jesus. Already
on the first day, when Peter and all the apostles preached this message, 3000
people took a hold of this key for themselves and came through this door.
They were baptized in Jesus’ name (no baptism of babies) and received
the Holy Spirit. The Lord added to the church, this is what the Scriptures says,
and not by means of forms and bureaucratic odds and ends, which isn’t
able to help anyone whatsoever. He offers this key to everyone.
Don’t forget your key – we’re still on the same subject because
it’s so important! Only this key opens the door for you to receive new,
eternal life. Don’t be deceived. God is only bound by His Word and not
by the words of people. Indeed, Peter was a person, but he received the keys
in order to show them to everyone. It’s a key which already now will open
the door for you leading to eternal life, if you’re sincerely willing
to follow Jesus Christ.
A time will come when the keys will be taken away. Then it will no longer be
possible to be born into the kingdom of God.
These keys will no longer be available to anyone. The time of grace will come
to an end and this door will be closed; it will definitely be the case, just
like the door of Noah’s ark was closed at the time of the judgment! That
day was nothing to laugh about. Therefore, take the key, so long as Jesus is
still offering it to you. The key service will not able to help anyone in this
case when he is standing in front of the locked door. See Matt. 25,10.
Now is the time to take a hold of it and obey the message of the apostles! For
Jesus came to give His life for this message! Happy Christmas! rw
Matt. 24,14: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.