Pentecostal Church Mannheim Short Messages |
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A life as according to the Word of God
John 6,63 ”The words that I speak unto you, they are
spirit, and they are life.“
There would be a perfect transformation in society and among all nations, if
God’s Word would find its way into the hearts of man; for God would help
and bless. Due to His Word being ignored and His grace rejected, it is not possible
for HIM to do this. The reward of this can clearly be seen – nationwide
bankruptcy, and this does not only apply in the spiritual sense. Without the
Word of God, no nation of this earth is able to offer its society a future!
All their promises up until now were pointless, and the putting of trust in
these promises was all for nothing. Therefore, this Word is so very important!
Not living a life as according to the Word of God will mean that there will
be no blessing…
Jesus also said in Mark 8,18, why it happens to be that way: “Having
eyes, see ye not? And having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?”
Although He possesses all power and wisdom today just like back then, people
still do not believe in Him and they seek protection, advice and answers everywhere
else, apart from in the Word of God.
People set their hope on sand, instead of upon the rock. At that time, they
did not accept Him, for most of them do not know their God, because they did
not want Him in their life. They were content with their own life, although
their life and their future were everything else apart from being ideal.
John tells us in John 1,11 “He came unto his own, and his own received
him not.”
Destruction and their downfall were already on their way, yet nobody wanted
to believe the Word of God. They were holding on to their traditions and thought
that this was the right thing to do, and they prayed in the temple that God
would change their situation. However, He stood outside and knocked on the doors
of their hearts and called out, just like He is doing today, “I am the
Life, do you not want it?” He was among them, close to them, and when
He spoke, He mainly encountered rejection by those who should have know better.
Their hearts were shut tight to His Word, the Word of life. They do not put
their trust in the Word, to which all creation is subject to and has its existence.
They did not believe in His goodness, grace, love, and capabilities, and that
it was His desire to change everything and that nothing is impossible for Him;
as a result, He was not able to do anything for them. Jesus has not changed.
If a person receives His words, a change will take place in the life of that
person, for His Word is alive. John tells us about what happens to the people
who receive His Word. John 1,12-13 “But as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will
of man, but of God.” (compare with John 3,1-7 and Acts 2,38)
This is a great secret, which is only known by those who believe in HIM and
are obedient to HIM. Then for them, there is room for the Word of God in their
lives; and when it comes, it brings life, eternal life, joy and hope. Hope begins
in the moment when an individual turns around, and he exchanges his temporal
life for the eternal life which Jesus is offering. Such a positive change only
takes place through Jesus Christ.
God’ Word is always the best tool to show us people the way which we should
go. God’s Word will not reveal His secrets to those who do not take it
seriously. A person does not necessarily reject the Bible because it is an “old
book”, but rather because it exposes his evil deeds. The reading and studying
of the Holy Scriptures, with an open heart, brings this written Word to life
and wonderful miracles take place. It shows us the things which need to be changed
in our lives and helps us the make the right decisions. This only take place
with those who believe His Word.
This country urgently needs a reformation to Christ Himself, however, not turning
to a traditional church, but rather to HIM alone, the risen Lord. God is waiting
for this! Islam and other people from false religions do not succeed, for they
are what they are, man-made. The spirit which drives them to kill and to murder,
in order to defend their religion and to spread it, is not from God. The WORD
of the living God is lacking in their lives - the God who put on flesh like
a garment, for the purpose to be an example Himself for everyone. Only the Word
of God, Jesus Christ Himself, can bring life, for HE is the Life and the Truth.
He is the One living God, in who the true prophets also believed, for they were
certain that without obedience to His WORD, nobody would have salvation for
the future. People and nations that turn away from HIM, the living God, are
paving the way for their own downfall. The choice has been given to every single
individual. We will all stand before a holy God, and it will no longer be possible
then to make up for that which was missing in our lives. rw