United Pentecostal Church Mannheim
Short Messages
Message from the Monthly Flyer from January 2009


Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.

The old year has passed and the year 2009 with all its challenges has begun. No man knows the future and can prepare himself for all eventualities.

Many of us have made some resolutions at the beginning of the year and consciously made up their minds to prevent mistakes in this new year.

We have thought about all the issues and probably have made all the plans for the year 2009 as much as possible. To do so is really good, because it is important to set goals in life, for everybody arrives somewhere, but some are arriving very consciously somewhere. Our plans and goals are extending onto many areas of our lives. In all this it is very important though that we never neglect the spiritual things and our salvation.

Our lives are not only influenced by visible things, but also by the invisible things. For this reason it is important that in all our planning we rely completely on Jesus, because He can see the invisible and knows the future. He knows exactly the consequences for each decision we make. The human nature is very easily influenced by evil and one might go down a road that he/she should avoid at the beginning of the year. To prevent this, we should not forget the will of God in all our planning and allow HIM to guide us daily through the whole year. Then we will be able to look back on 31st Dec 2009 with joy and thankfulness.

We wish you all a happy and blessed Year 2009! sw

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