Rejoice at all times, pray
without ceasing, be thankful... 1. Thess 5:16-18
gave good advice through the apostle Paul to the Christians
in Thessaloniki. The church there did not have it easy because
there were many who spoke against them and mocked them. However,
this first took place when they separated themselves from their
religious tradition due to them name of Jesus and their salvation.
Today, it is not much different.
Why did they rejoice when the world is against them? It is quite
simple - the glory of Jesus was awaiting them. Today, almost
2000 years later, there are only ruins there, where once houses
and synagogues stood; the grass grows over it, a few trees are
standing there. Here and there is an old stone, broken, a replica
of the past. There also this place which is so silent and unimportant
will be move one day. The graves in which the believers lay
will open up, the earth over them must give way, stones and
rocks will break and the dead in Christ, the despised and the
persecuted of this world will now resurrect and be with Jesus
for all eternity!
Where are the mockers now? Their graves are still shut up, the
earth and the rocks over them have still not moved. They were
not chosen by God. These dead must wait a 1000 years, in order
to stand before the one who they despised and persecuted. This
is not an illusion, nor a dream, nor fantasy, but rather it
is A WORD from God. An event which will see its fulfilment,
for it is predetermined by God. And who will stop HIM? No one,
of course.
Paul did not look at the present circumstances - just the things
of the day. While he worked, he looked up to the one who would
be coming, Jesus of Nazareth; who we also serve because we love
Where are mockers now and where are the hypocrites? They are
still laying in their graves and have no more hope for forgiveness
and salvation. God will not be mocked. But whoever serves Him
faithfully, he will be helped and set on his feet by Him. Paul
knew that, and that was the reason why he gave advice to his
brothers and sisters there; for Paul himself was also familiar
with having needs, worries and fears.
Rejoice at all times, pray without ceasing, be thankful in all
things for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you, ...
do not quench the Spirit.
Do you have this hope or will you be among those who will be
lost? If not, then go ahead and be obedient to the whole gospel
of the apostle Jesus. For more information, write to us, or
come to our worship services. rw