Pentecostal Church Mannheim Short Messages |
No one can
stop God’s work! |
Matthew 16:18 And I (Jesus Christ) say also unto thee, That thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it.
Revelation of John 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the
first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
No matter how things may seem or whatever may happen among the nations of
this earth, whosoever thinks that it is going to continue to be that way,
they are mistaken. For the day and time is coming when God will have finished
His work on this earth. There will be a new heaven and a new earth and the
old will be erased from all memory. This is what Jesus reveals to John and
all those who walk with Him. John sees that the kingdoms and the system of
this present world are no longer in existence, everything has become new.
The prophets also spoke about this and Jesus had explained it to His apostles,
who then passed it on to His church. Everything will soon be over with. Meanwhile,
however, God is seeking for people from all nations to make them His own people.
As a result of their spiritual blindness, unbelievers and those who mock are
unaware of this and will remain so up until the day when God hands them over
to face eternal punishment.
A new heaven and a new earth where righteousness reigns and where there is
no suffering or death – is this not the very thing which many people
desire, perhaps including even you too? Jesus speaks about this. He says,
whoever gives their life to Him, that individual will receive eternal life
from Him.
What a bargain and great offer, however, this will not last much longer; for
when He comes and finds a person still living in his or her sins, there will
be a terrible end for that individual. God always shows us the truth. He reveals
things to John which are going to take place in the near future. The Creator
Himself and no one else will complete His work on His creation; for nobody
can stop God’s work. The kingdoms of this earth and the system of this
world have nothing to do with the kingdom of God, in which there is no righteousness
prevalent. Ruling over every kingdom there is a king; the kingdoms of this
world have their kings, however, they will all pass away one day. Their kingdom
is not from the other world, rather it is from the temporary world, that is,
from the first earth. They have their joy and pleasure now, just like the
rich ruler in Luke 16, 19-31.
My kingdom is not from this world, says the immortal and eternal King, Jesus
Christ, the Lord of creation. The task which Jesus has assigned to His church
is to proclaim the whole gospel to all the nations of this world. One lord,
one faith, one baptism - that the people will believe in Him and will be obedient
to the gospel, receive forgiveness for their sins, and in addition, receive
the power of the Holy Spirit, which is more powerful that the spirit of sin
and evil.
There is only one message, only one gospel of Jesus which is able to deliver
the people. If you are following after a “gospel which appears to be
a gospel”, then you do not have any freedom, all you have is religion!
You might be in a church, perhaps you
are religious or a member of a religion, however, it is all for nothing; and
you will never see the new heaven and the new earth, let alone live in it,
if there is no sincere turning away from sin on your part to the whole gospel
of Jesus. Read in the second chapter of the book of Acts and take note of
the verses 37-39.Then take a look in the same book and see how the churches
were established and how the people became Christians. You can see that faith
is there at the beginning, then turning away from sin, the baptism in water
for the forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus and the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, with the visible sign of speaking in tongues. That is the way it is
written. God still keeps His Word. A person has to believe in Him and be obedient
to Him, then the promised miracle will take place (John 3,1-6). Worldwide
on a daily basis, there are thousands of people who are converted to this
gospel of Jesus and are turning away from man-made tradition. Nobody can hinder
God’s work and whatever He does! These people do not want any part of
the kingdoms of this world which will pass away. The work of God has never
been promoted by the world, on the contrary, it has been rejected. The reason
being that the world still lies in spiritual darkness, with those who belong
to it. Jesus Christ will have a people who will survive everything which they
go through. Nobody can stop Him. He has all power and might in heaven and
on earth. Do not be deceived, Jesus speaks and says:
Isaiah 44:7 “And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set
it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that
are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them!” rw