
Gel Kutsal Ruh!
Come Holy Ghost/ Komm heiliger Geist

6 steps to salvation / 6 Schritte zur Erlösung

Elçilerin işleri 2,38
Acts 2:38/ APG 2,38

Yeni yaşama giden yedi adım
The seven steps to a new life / Die sieben Schritte zum neuen Leben

10ANAHTAR VAR KUTSAL RUHUN: başka dillerle konuşmak ifade ve belirtisiyle sizde olması ve sizin içinizde sizinle birlikte yaşaması için.
10 Keys to Receiving the Holy Ghost/ Zehn Schlüssel, um den heiligen Geist zu empfangen

Türkiye, ilk Hõristiyan topluluklar için en önemli ülkelerden birisidir

Turkey is one of the most important country of the first church/
Die Türkei ist eines der bedeutendsten Länder der ersten Christengemeinden

(PDF Format, 15 pages, Turkish/German, 201.18 KB )

Seni seviyorum Isa
Jesus loves you/ Jesus liebt dich

Benim ne yapmam lazım'ki?
What do I have to do? / Was muß ich tun?

The Gospel to all nations >>> Look up countries and missionaries

Online - Bibles / Online Bibeln

Kitap [Turkish Holy Bible]

Turkish Bible online

16 Different English Bible Translations (with Search)

Bible in Hebrew/Greek & English with Strong's

6 English Bible Dictionaries (with Word & Phrase Search)

6 English Bible Dictionaries (Alphabetical order)

e-Sword Bibles in many languages and great Biblestudy tools *Free download*