
Preaching in English/Slovak
1 King 19:5-8 gk

Mezinárodní letnicní spolecenství
International Pentecostal Fellowship,
Prague, Czech Republic

Spasenie z pohľadu Biblie
What does the Bible say about salvation/ Errettung aus der Sicht der Bibel

Vitajte v úplne novom živote!
Welcome to a brandnew life!/ Willkommen zu einem brandneuen Leben!
(PDF, 31.8 KB, 2 pages)

Ježiš ta miluje
Jesus loves you / Jesus liebt dich

Smrt... a co dalej?
After death...What? / Nach dem Tod...was dann?

Grace + 0 = Salvation? / Gnade + 0 = Erlösung?

Pravda o Bohu a plan spasenia
The truth about God and the biblical plan of salvation/ Die Wahrheit über Gott und der biblische Plan der Erlösung

Skutky 2:38
Novozákonný plán spasenia

(PDF, 120 KB, 2 pages)
Experience the original plan of salvation/ Erlebe den ursprünglichen Plan der Erlösung

Online - Bibles / Online Bibeln

Slovakian Bible (with search)

Croatian Bible

Slovenian Bible (with search) (New Testament)

e-Sword Bibles in many languages and great Biblestudy tools *Free download*

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