ti ama
Jesus loves you/ Jesus liebt dich
Sua Luce Meravigliosa
Into his Marvelous light / Zu seinem wunderbaren
di Paolo
The Gospel of Paul/ Das Evangelium des Paulus
1 = 3? 3
= 1?
1=3? / 3=1?
Del Battesimo Alle Acque
The importance of waterbaptism/ Die Wichtigkeit
der Wassertaufe
d'acqua secondo la Bibbia e Referenze Storiche
(PDF Format, 4 pages, 299 KB)
ATTENTION: be patient, delayed download/ Achtung:
Verlängerte Download-Zeit
Waterbaptism according to the Bible and historical
references/ Wassertaufe nach der Bibel und historischen Quellen
(4 pages, to create a booklet, please print out double-sided/last
page should be in the middle of the booklet and stapled there)
(4 Seiten, um Booklet zu machen, bitte doppelseitig ausdrucken/letzte
Seite ist Innenseite und dort zusammenheften)
d'acqua secondo la Bibbia e Reference Storiche
(PDF Format, 3 pages 259 KB) Attention:
be patient, delayed download/Achtung: Verlängerte Download-Zeit
(same tract, 3 pages, without coversheet/pages
are in correct order)
(gleiche Traktat, 3 Seiten, ohne Aussenseite, Seiten sind in richtiger Reihenfolge)
Waterbaptism according
to the Bible and Historical References
(PDF Format, 3 coloured pages, 683 KB, English
language) Attention: be patient, delayed downlad/Achtung: Verlängerte
in Lingue
Speaking in tongues/ Sprechen in Zungen
sul Ritorno di Gesù
The truth about the return of Jesus
Christ/ Die Wahrheit über das Kommen Jesu
Chi E' Dio?
(PDF Format,
1 page, 69 KB)
The Wheel of prophecy/ Das Rad der Weissagung
La Verità sul Pentimento
The truth about repentance/ Die Wahrheit über
La Verità sul Battesimo
d' Acqua
The truth about waterbaptism/Die Wahrheit über
die Wassertaufe
La Verità
sullo Spirito Santo
The truth about the Holy Spirit/ Die Wahrheit
über den heiligen Geist
Un Bambino
Dio in Christo
God in Christ/ Gott in Christus
- Bibles / Online Bibeln 3 Italian Bible Translations 16 Different English Bible Translations (with Search) Bible in Hebrew/Greek & English with Strong's 6 English Bible Dictionaries (with Search) 6 English Bible Dictionaries (Alphabetical order) e-Sword Bibles in many languages and great Biblestudy tools *Free download* |
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