This site is maintained and a part of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church Mannheim, Germany (Home)

Jesus gave HIS disciples the Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20+Luke 24: 45-47 (see Acts 2:38)
Jesus gab seinen Jüngern den grossen Missionsbefehl: Matthäus 28:19-20+Lukas 24: 45-47 (siehe APG 2,38)

The Apostolic message is found in the tracts posted on this site, having faith in Jesus Christ, as our only Lord, Savior and God, repentance, waterbaptism in Jesus name for the remission of sins and receiving the holy spirit as it is written in Acts 2:37-39 and other scriptures in the book of Acts and living a holy life according to the Scriptures. Please copy the tracts and pass them on! Die Traktate auf unserer Seite, beinhalten die apostolische Botschaft, der Glaube an Jesus Christus als einigen Herrn, Erlöser und Gott, die Wassertaufe in Jesus Namen zur Vergebung der Sünden und das Empfangen des heiligen Geistes, wie es in der APG 2:37-39 und anderen Schriftstellen in der Apostelgeschichte zu finden ist und ein vom Geist Gottes geheiligtes Leben, wie es die Bibel lehrt. Bitte kopiere die Traktate und gib sie weiter!
Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
4. Mose 6,24-26 Der HERR segne dich und behüte dich; der HERR lasse sein Angesicht leuchten über dir und sei dir gnädig; der HERR hebe sein Angesicht über dich und gebe dir Frieden.

More single Scripture Tracts  Marshall Islands Marshallese

Albanian Tracts / Albanische Traktate
Albania Duke i shqyrtuar çdo ditë Shkrimet për të parë nëse këto gjëra ishin ashtu. Aktet 17,11b

Amharic Tracts / Amharic Traktate Tracts/Ethiopia with worship music
Ethiopia Eritrea

Arabic Tracts / Arabische Traktate with worship music
UAE Oman Iraq Saudi ArabiaQatar Kuwait Egypt Lebanon In that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Armenian Tracts / Armenische Traktate
Armenia Syria Azerbaijan Lebanon

Bengali Tracts / Bengalische Traktate
In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Bulgarian Tracts / Bulgarische Traktate

Burmese Tracts /Burmesische Traktate Tracts/Myanmar
BurmaIn that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Chinese Tracts / Chinesische Traktate with worship music (special fonts required to display correctly)
China Taiwan
Czech Tracts / Tschechische Traktate with worship music
Czech A ti byli udatnejší nežli Tessalonitští, kterížto prijali slovo Boží se vší chtivostí, ana každý den rozvažujíce Písma, tak-li by ty veci byly, jakž kázal Pavel. Skutkové S. Apoštolu, kapitola 17.11

Danish Tracts / Dänische Traktate
Denmark De modtoge Ordet med al Redebonhed og ransagede daglig Skrifterne, om disse Ting forholdt sig således. Apostelenes gerninger 17,11b

Dutch Tracts/Holländische Traktate
Netherlands Belgium als die het woord ontvingen met alle toegenegenheid, onderzoekende dagelijks de Schriften, of deze dingen alzo waren. Handelingen der Apostelen 17, 11b

English Tracts / Englische Traktate with worship music
USA UK Ghana Nigeria In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Farsi Tract / Traktate in Farsi / Persische/Iranische Traktate
Iran In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Finish Tracts / Finnische Traktate
he ottivat sanan vastaan hyvin halukkaasti ja tutkivat joka päivä kirjoituksia, oliko asia niin. Apostolien teot 17:11b

Flemish / Flämische Traktate Vlaamse flyers
BelgiumNetherlands als die het woord ontvingen met alle toegenegenheid, onderzoekende dagelijks de Schriften, of deze dingen alzo waren. Handelingen der Apostelen 17, 11b

French Tracts
/ Französische Traktate with worship music
Ils reçurent la parole avec beaucoup d'empressement, et ils examinaient chaque jour les Écritures, pour voir si ce qu'on leur disait était exact. Actes 17,11b

Georgian Tracts

Georgia In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

German TractsDeutsche Traktate
Deutschland Austria Switzerland Sie nahmen das Wort bereitwillig auf und forschten täglich in der Schrift, ob sich's so verhielte. Apostelgeschichte 17,11b

Greek Tracts / Griechische Traktate with worship music

Hebrew Tracts/Christian Info / Hebräische Traktate/ Christliche Info
Israel In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Hindi Tracts / Hindi Traktate
IndiaIn that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Hungarian Tracts  / Ungarische Traktate with worship music
HungaryÚgymint kik bevevék az ígét teljes készséggel, naponként tudakozva az írásokat, ha úgy vannak-é ezek. Ap Csel 17,11b

Italian Tracts / Italienische Traktate with worship music
Italy Ed accolsero la parola con grande entusiasmo, esaminando ogni giorno le Scritture per vedere se le cose stavano davvero così. Atti degli Apostoli 17,11b

Japanese Tracts / Japanische Traktate (special fonts required to display correctly)

Karen Tracts / Karenische Traktate
Burma Thailand In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17,11b

Korean Tracts / Koreanische Traktate
South Korea North Korea In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17,11b

Laos Tracts / Traktate von Laos
Laos In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Lingala Tracts / Traktate in Lingala with worship music
Central Africa Zaire In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Malayalam Tracts / Malayalam Traktate
IndiaIn that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Norwegian Tracts / Norwegische Traktate
De tok imot ordet med all godvilje, og gransket daglig i skriftene om det var således som det blev sagt dem. Apostlenes-gjerninge 17,11

Pashto Tracts / Paschtunische Traktate
In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Polish Tracts / Polnische Traktate
Poland Przyjeli nauke z cala gorliwoscia i codziennie badali Pisma, czy istotnie tak jest. Dzieje Apostolskie 17,11b

Portuguese Tracts
/ Portugiesische Traktate
Porque receberam a palavra com toda avidez, examinando diariamente as Escrituras para ver se estas coisas eram assim. Atos dos Apóstolos 17,11b

Romanian Tracts / Rumänische Traktate
Romania Oamenii de acolo aveau o minte mai deschisa decât cei din Tesalonic. Au primit Cuvântul cu toata înflacararea si în fiecare zi studiau Scripturile, ca sa vada daca ceea ce spunea Pavel era într-adevar asa. Faptele Apostolilor 17.11
Russian Tracts /
Russian Tracts / Russische Traktate with worship music
Russia Lithuania Kazakhstan Uzbekistan

Serbian/Croatian Tracts / Serbische/ Kroatische Traktate with worship music
Serbia Croatia Bosnia Slovenia  Ovi su Židovi bili plemenitiji od solunskih: primili su Rijec sa svom spremnošcu i danomice istraživali Pisma, da li je to tako. Acts 17:11

Sinhalese Tracts / Singalesische Traktate
In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. (Acts 17, 11b)

Slovak Tracts / Slowakische Traktate
with worship music
Slovakia Tamojší Židia boli omnoho prístupnejší ako v Tesalonike. Velmi dychtivo prijímali zvestované slovo, každý den študovali Písmo a skúmali, ci sa Pavlova zvest zhoduje s predpovedami prorokov.

Spanish Tracts
/ Spanische Traktate with worship music
Columbia El Salvador Pues recibieron la palabra ávidamente, escudriñando cada Día las Escrituras para verificar si estas cosas eran Así. Hechos 17:11b

Swahili Tracts / Traktate in Swahili
with worship music
Tanzania Kenya Uganda Waliupokea ule ujumbe kwa hamu kubwa, wakawa wanayachunguza Maandiko Matakatifu kila siku, ili kuona kama yale waliyosema Paulo na Sila yalikuwa kweli. (Acts 17, 11b)

Swedish Tracts / Schwedische Traktate

Sweden De togo emot ordet med all villighet och rannsakade var dag skrifterna, för att se om det förhölle sig såsom nu sades. Apostlagärningarna 17:11b

Tagalog Tracts / Traktate in Tagalog Tracts/Philippines
PhilippinesTinanggap nila ang salita ng buong sigasig. Sinaliksik nila ang mga kasulatan araw-araw kung tunay nga ang mga bagay na ito. Mga Gawa 17:11b

Tamil Tracts / Tamilische Traktate (special fonts required to display correctly)
In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. (Acts 17, 11b)

Telugu Tracts / Traktate in Telegu
IndiaIn that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11b

Thai Tracts / Traktate in Thai
(special fonts required to display correctly)

Tigrinya Tract / Tigrinya Traktat Tracts/Ethiopia
Ethiopia Eritrea

Turkisch tracts / Traktkate in Türkisch
Veriya'daki Yahudiler, Selanik'tekilerden daha açik fikirliydiler. Tanri sözünü büyük ilgiyle karsilayarak her gün Kutsal Yazilari inceliyor, ögretilenlerin dogru olup olmadigini arastiriyorlardi. Bölüm 17:11

Ukrainian tracts / Traktate in Ukrainisch

Urdu Tracts
/ Traktate in Urdu
In that they received the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17,11b

Vietnamesian Tracts / Vietnamesische Traktate
Vietnam Nhöong ngöôøi naày coù yù haún hoi hôn ngöôøi Teâ-sa-loâ-ni-ca, ñeàu saün loøng ch?u laáy ñaïo, ngaøy naøo cuong tra xem Kinh Thaùnh, ñeå xeùt lôøi giaûng coù thaät chaêng. Cong vu 17:11

He came Himself / Er kam selbst
Scriptures from Luke 2 (birth of Jesus Christ) in different languages Apostolic tracts, tracts with Apostolic truth in many languages, Christian Info in many languages, Apostolic Info in many languages, Traktate in vielen Sprachen, Traktate mit apostolischer Botschaft in vielen Sprachen, apostolische Information, United Pentecostal Church, Vereinigte Pfingstgemeinde, Outreach material with the Gospel, Outreach material with the Apostolic truth
